Worship at Messiah

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:30 and 11:00 am

1:00 pm in Spanish

Join us in person or view the online services below.

Sunday, May 19th Worship at 8:30 am or later

Join us on YouTube or click the link here:



Below are some questions to help you reflect on the sermon:

  1. When are times when you are tempted to look away and not speak up?
  2. Read Judges 18-21. How bad have the sins of God’s people gotten at this point? What is the result of doing what is right in our own eyes?
  3. We talked about two unhealthy responses to sin: ignoring it and destroying the sinner. Can you think of any examples in your own life, your community, or even current events, where people tend to ignore sin or focus on destroying the sinner rather than addressing the root of the problem?
  4. Read 1 John 1:8-9. Rather than looking away from sin, what are we called to do? How does Jesus respond?

Worship Sunday May 12th at 8:30 or later

Click play above or view on YouTube here:



Below are some discussion questions that can help you reflect on the sermon:

  1. The sermon connected Samson's struggles to our own tendency to be blind to God's work. Can you think of a time when you relied on your own strength instead of trusting in God?
  2. Read Judges 15:11-16 and Judges 16:23-30. What evidence is there that Samson had selfish motivation to fight the Philistines.
  3. Skim over all of Samson’s story from Judges 14-16. In what ways is Samson just like the people of Israel? How is Samson blind to what God is doing? In what ways are we similar?
  4. Jesus comes to fulfill Israel. How is Jesus a true and better judge for us?