Worship at Messiah

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:30 and 11:00 am

1:00 pm in Spanish

Join us in person or view the online services below.

Worship Sunday, February 9th at 8:30 am or later

Click play above or view on YouTube here:



Here are some questions to help you reflect on the sermon:

  1. Have you ever felt like you deserved something good to happen to you because you had been "good" or followed the rules? How does this sermon challenge that way of thinking, and how does it relate to the idea of grace?
  2. Read Matthew 15. Jesus interacts with the Pharisees and then the Canaanite woman. How do these two encounters contrast in terms of who they were and how they approached Jesus? What does this teach us about true faith?
  3. Jesus initially seems harsh to the Canaanite woman, even comparing her to a dog. Why might Jesus have responded this way? What does her response ("even the dogs eat the crumbs") tell us about her faith and humility?
  4. Reflecting on Matthew 14-16, what are some other examples of people's faith (or lack thereof) that we see in these chapters? How do these stories, including the Canaanite woman's, help us understand the gift of Jesus’ true faith?

Sunday, February 16th Worship at 8:30 am or Later

Join us on YouTube or click the link here: 



Below are some questions to help you reflect on the sermon:

  1. Can you think of something in your own life that seemed negative or difficult at the time, but later turned out to be a blessing?
  2. Read Matthew 13. Thinking about the parable of the weeds, have you ever been tempted to judge someone quickly, thinking they were a "weed"? Why is it important to be patient and let God be the judge?
  3. The treasure and the pearl parables show how valuable the Kingdom of God is. If you had to choose one thing you'd be willing to give up for something truly important, what would it be and why? What does that say about what we value most?
  4. How does it make you feel to know that you are so treasure and the pearl that Jesus sought? How should that change the way you think about yourself and others?